Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Snakes and ladders

It was just a game
I played when young
It was just a game
That I thought was fun

It was just a game
No more than that
It was just a game
I liked to win


In this game
There are many 'ups'
In this game
There are just as many 'downs'

In this game
You use your skill and wit
In this game
You avoid all snakes


Throughout this game
You get nervous as you rise
Throughout this game
There is a possibility to fall

Throughout this game
There are 2 or more players
Throughout this game
There is only one winner


It's not just a game
Of forwards and backwards
Its not just a game
Ruled by a dice

It's not just a game
As I now see depth
It's not just a game
Its the story of life


Unlike this game
Your life is no competition
Unlike this game
Each 'snake' is unique

Unlike this game
You have more control
Unlike this game
Everyone can win


halfshared said...

Great poem. Amazing how you can find a lesson even in the simple things in life.

May your life be full of "ups" and any inevitable downs should propel you even higher than you were before.

little sheep said...

so true...

Unknown said...
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corner point said...

Beautiful thought and reflection on life...

Gave me some food for thought.

And amen to Half's bracha.......

Bas~Melech said...

Hey I like where you went with this idea! (i.e. the differences rather than similarities)

Floating Reflections said...

HS: Amen, thanks for the thoughtful brocha

LS: Tell me about it...

CP: What I gave you food for thought? Well I guess that there is always a first ;)

BM: Thank you

The Child Inside said...

I don't know... looks like everyone's being all inspired but this poem makes me kind of sad.

Floating Reflections said...

TCI: I didn't write it to inspire and I didn't feel inspired while writing it - I wrote it just because it was in my head. But please - share with me what made you sad reading this...