Cleaning gives one a lot of time to think, reflect how the last months have been and plan the dreams of the future. It has been a very rough last year for a number of reasons but as I am cleaning I am finally feeling hopeful, not that what has plaguing me these last months will disappear but rather that despite what I believe, what is happening, where I am, I will get through it and He will help just as soon as I turn to Him. Reading the blogs of others has also helped and I am working on trying to put things into perspectives. Their nisyonos are not mine and are not meant to be but it is inspiring to see how despite struggling you are all unwilling to give up. So thank you all those who have shared your life online with many of its usually unseen details, those who have commented on my blog and encourage me to plod on and the special few who have given me something that is incredibly valuable but they shared it anyway - their time. I know that there will be many more ups and downs to come but I have hope that it will be 2 steps forward and one step back and not vice versa.
I know it seems that this is a good bye but its not - I'm not leaving....just reflecting :)
I'm glad you're feeling better, my dear. That makes me very happy :-)
Nissan is the month of geulah...not only do we come out of Mitzrayim every year anew, we also come out of our own personal "metzarim"...whatever they may be to each of us individually. There is a special power of breaking out of shackles this month. May you break out of what hurts you and fly free......
Amein and thank you - that is a beautiful brocha and I wish to reflect it back to yourself.
I hope that I can reach that level... and that you manage that too. :)
That was so nice and hopeful! Thank you for sharing it.
I truly hope that things are only uphill from here on and that your life will be a garden full of happiness, clarity, serenity, fulfillment and...a true inner happiness :-).
HS: Amen and ty
nice reflections, it's good to see your devotion to overcoming your nisyonos and trusting in Hashem.
JSB: I try and I fail and I try again...(when I have the energy)
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