As my parents are well past the child-bearing stage my house is quite adult orientated. We eat late and sort of lead our own lives while all living under the same roof, there is generally not much noise and things tend to stay just where u left them and the place is orderly. We don't have to be quiet in the evenings and we definitely don't do early mornings. We just...well! We've had the married ones with their kids over loads of times for different yomim toivim and odd shabbosos but unless they have come alone for a shabbos treat, their parents are usually in tow. One unwritten rule in this house is you look after your kids and we will worry about the tidying and the rest of the place, simple and it works, but what happens when the kids come and their parents are not in tow and it is not just for a shabbos?? We (adults in my house) have had the pleasure of hosting some of the kids without their parents...and gosh it is hard work. What was once a sort of quiet house is now filled with incessant chatter, questions, whining and moods. Dont get me wrong, I love the kids, really I do but I'm so so tired, by the time I am putting them to bed I am fit for bed myself. So question for all you dear readers, where do parents shop for energy and where can I get hold of some?
Miss very tired!
I often wonder about that too but the truth is parents have one at a time while you may get a few at once. It takes time to get used to things and that's something you don't have when you get a few children at one time. Also, parents know their children better and know what will work for each one so it's easier for them to handle.
I know them pretty well too but it seems more than that...maybe it's just me.
The real blessing about raising children is not what you get, but what you get to give... of yourself, your time, all your resources... as you grow into dieing to yourself and to your own needs, it is then that you find yourself getting more alive... The more children you have,the more practise you get in this excersise... the less time and energy you have to even consider your own state :)
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