Tefilla is a topic very close to my heart for the huge struggle it represents to me. I know that I am not alone in this fight with the y''h and we all have this fight at some point over some issue. While for some it may be the kavana issue for me it is reaching out to my siddur, taking it in my hands and opening it up. Once I feel the weight of it in my hands I know that most of the fight is over but some days it is hard to get to that point. Therefore when I came across a small inspiring piece I thought that I should share it as if it inspires only one person to daven one small tefilla it will have been worth it.
I recently read a mashal about a boy who whilst playing in his garden came across a large rock and tries to move it. He pushes it hard again and again but it doesn't move. Frustrated he turns to his father stating ''I cant move it,'' but his father remains unsympathetic and tells his son to use all his strength and to try harder. The boy pushes with every bit of energy till he is sweating, he pushes this way, that way, tries pulling till he is aching, but with little success, not even a few centimetres. Turning to his father, he cries that it is of little use, but again his father tells him that he has not used all resources available to him. After another unsuccessful go, tired, frustrated and in pain the boy cries out that he has tried his best and can't anymore, he's giving up, he has no more energy and has tried every strategy possible to him, his father calmly replies...''my dear son, you do, you didn't ask me to help you!''
That could tie in with that people have pride in themselves, so don't want to ask for things. So they figure by admitting they can't do something, its enough, and it hints that they need help. But it's true with a lot of things, all you have to do is ask.
I have that problem with davening, I haven't really davened since I left HS, cause I used to only daven in school. Now though I go to shul on Shabbos, so I daven there. But its hard to make it a habbit to daven every day, when I'm not used to it. But I did try a few times.
That's a really nice mashal. Davening is hard for most people. I know that sometimes I'll have something in mind that I want to daven for but I'll end up spacing out to the extent that I'll be done with shmoneh esrei before I realize I never got to stick in whatever it was.
A teacher of mine once told us that a 'tip' is to actively picture yourself talking to someone, ie: G-d, as you're praying. Instead of reciting words, try to say them as if G-d was standing between you and that wall, listening intently as you converse with him.
JSB: You could be right with the first part of your comment, my strong independent streak may be getting in the way, but deep down I do know that everything comes from Him and that I DO need His help...not doing all that well on my own. Hazlocha with your struggle.
RS: Thanks a lot for the tips, when I get that far - I'll try it :(
Floating Reflections: right, also if I say "you" in my comments, its a general you.
And Thanx, B"H Today I actually davened, and I said Hallel and Musaf Rosh Chodesh and everything, since it was my first day of school, I figured I'd start off all good. Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up!
Thank you for that moshul. I really like it. :)
Glad you enjoyed it..hope it serves a purpose of more than enjoyment ;)
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